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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Aug 14. 2021

대승의 정신 Mahayana Spirit

영화 선사의 법문 No Cut

대승의 정신 - 문화의 날에 대한 영화 선사의 메시지 

(문화의 날이라는 특별한 날이 따로 있는게 아니라, 위산사의 사부대중과 함께 영화 스님이 게티미술관에 다녀오신 후 하셨던 법문입니다)

Mahayana Spirit – Master YongHua’s Message from the Culture Day – 08/08/2021

여러분들 중 게티빌라에 함께 다녀 온 사람들은 이걸 기억하길 바랍니다. 우리가 오늘 즐긴 것들은 어떤 옛 원유 사업가의 너그러움 덕분이란 것 말입니다. 제이 폴 게티는 이 나라(미국)의 가장 최초의 억만장자 중 한 명입니다. 그는 1950년대에 이미 억만장자였고, 이 나라(미국)에서 가장 첫 억만장자 중 한 사람이비다. 그래서 그가 죽었을 때, 6천5백만달러라는 큰 자산을 이 미술관에 남겼습니다. 그것이 바로 게티 미술관입니다. 그런 이유로 오늘날 우리는 게티를 무료로 즐길 수 있습니다. 이것이 아메리칸 너그러움이고, 우리가 오늘 그 수혜자인 것입니다. 그러므로 우리는 그걸 고마워해야 합니다. 마음은 그정도로 아름다울 수 있습니다. 

I want those of you who went to that Getty Villa to remember this, that is what we enjoyed was the generosity from an ex oil man. Jay Paul Getty was one of the earliest billionaires in the history of this country. He was a billionaire in 1950s already and one of the first billionaires in the country. And so, when he died, he left a fortune of 65 million dollars to that museum, the Getty museum. So that's why it's provided free to us. That’s the American generosity that we were the recipients of and we should be grateful for that. You see how beautiful the mind can be. 

이 사람이 그 돈을 벌 때엔 마음이 어두웠습니다. 그는 나쁜 짓도 많이 했으며, 악업도 많이 지었습니다. 그래서 나중에 그의 가족은, 그의 다음 세대들은 많은 문제가 있었습니다. 납치, 질병, 사고사망 등... 큰 돈을 벌면 그런 일들이 생깁니다. 불법적인 방법으로 돈을 벌면 여러분의 후손은 그 돈을 즐길 수 없게 됩니다. 그리고 많은 짐짝들과 함께 동반해서 오게 되어, 돈을 즐길 수 없게 됩니다. 그래서 조심해야 합니다. 

The mind, that man’s mind is dark when he made his money. He did a lot of bad things, created a lot of bad karmas, and later on his family, his future generation had a lot of problems: kidnapping, diseases, accidental deaths, and so forth. So that's what happens when you generate fortune, you make money with illicit means, your offspring will not get to enjoy it. They come with a lot of baggage that they don't get to enjoy the money. So, be careful about that. 

아무튼, 나는 여러분들이 이 폴 게티라는 사람의 자비와 너그러움을 기억하길 바랍니다. 이 사람이 지혜도 없이, 많은 업을 지으면서, 이렇게 많은 이들을 이롭게 할 수 있는 무언가를 할 수 있었다면, 여러분 한번 상상해 보십시오. 

But regardless, I want you to remember the kindness and generosity from this man Paul Getty. And if he has no wisdom and he created that many karmas and yet he was able to do something that benefits so many people, can you imagine that you spend millions of dollars to give it away for people to come and enjoy the Villa, enjoy the time with the families, the friends, and learn about art, and eat some Vietnamese sandwiches, and so forth, you know, that’s when you are able to give without expecting anything in return. 

That's the kind of Mahayana spirit that we should have as well. And if this lay person, this misguided person is able to do that, then we should remember that and be grateful for that and we should try to do even better ourselves. Yes? And that's what we're about. It's not about us at all. It's about trying to improve ourselves. 

I give you the culture, I give you the exposure in order for you to get some relief, get a break from a tough cultivation schedule we have here. 

Can you imagine last night, I mean Friday night, Friday lunch, I said, “You know, I don't know about you but my weekend begins at five today.” I have a class for Asia at five o'clock here our time, California time. You know what the answer was from my disciple? They all say, “Oh no, if your weekend begins at 5, ours begin at 2:30. We need to get ready for you.” Speaking about ingratitude, I just took them to Getty Villa and they said, “But, but that's not enough.” 

The point here is that is that I want all of you to remember that Mahayana spirit. This man here loved art. He loves antiques and he shared with us, sharing his joy with us. You can do the same thing too, especially you Koreans. We American we have it already, but you Koreans you should build your samadhi power and the more samadhi power you have, when you become enlightened, that's when you can experience this real joy in your heart which is far greater than Mr. Getty can experience when he looked at his art, when he looked at his antiques. It's not the same joy as ours. 

And when you can experience that joy in your heart, when you become enlightened, you yellow people, and white people, and colored people, and men, and women, just in case to cover all the bases, when you're able to experience that joy which I assure you it will be far greater than Mr. Getty's joy when he looked at his arts. His art collection gave him immense joy and I assure you your joy will be far greater. 

When you get to that point or when you get to the Pure Land, those of you who believe in the Pure Land, unlike Ray there, when you get the Pure Land yourself and I saw it for most of the people, almost all the people who went there, the joy they experienced is way beyond any joy they experienced here in the Saha world, believe it or not. They're so overjoyed they say, “Wow, this is so cool. What took me so long to get here?” You know and they said, “I’ll never coming back to the Saha world. I don't care what Master YongHua says okay, I’ll never going back.” But they’re experience this joy that I’m telling you that will make [up for] all the hardship, all the hard work you put in to get there, to get to those points. 

And that's why the Buddha is doing this. This is why we're doing this to help you experience that joy. So, that is a way of sharing the joy with you. And when you experience that, wherever you go, you're sharing it already. You don't need to spend a lot of money like Mr. Getty to give people joy, sensual joy, but give the joy that comes from your Buddha nature that is so powerful and so uplifting that gives people hope, that gives people comfort, that gives you some relief of stress without doing anything, just being yourself. You like it, SangWook? SangWook loved it, she said, “I’m glad I’m here. I’ll never going back to Korea.” Selfish Hinayana person.

I assure you the joy that you will experience that we're leading you in the path will far exceed the joy of Shake Shack food. And let me tell you when you get there, you’ll naturally give without being asked. Just be yourself. 

Thank you everyone, that's what I wanted to tell you about this cultural day. You have joy, we had fun. We had joy, we had fun, we have some in the sun. 

When you have fun that's when you can be generous like Mr. Getty. You know that? He's generous because he has this joy that he experienced. He said, “This is worth it. I want to share those with others. I give this to others.” That's natural. That's the same thing when you experience that true joy I’m talking about, that bliss I’m talking about, you naturally give it away. 

So, all you who didn't go, you approved that I took my disciples go and goof off? Don't judge us, okay? We are serious cultivators [laugh]. Thank you everyone.  

Link of the full talk:

매거진의 이전글 영화 선사의 우란분절 (백중)
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