
You can make anything
by writing


by Maya Jun 20. 2018

여우와 아침인사 그리고 커피  


Sometimes at night, especially after eating fish or meat dinner I hear  something rummaging through my open kitchen. This morning I encountered a  fox (possibly the rummager) on my way walking around mountain near to  my house. We stood and looked at each other. When I said "good morning  fox" she/he was looking at me calmly and turning back, walking away quietly. That  was third time I saw fox around here. He looked exactly like this one-  Photo by Ian Davies

커피 수확을 시작했다. 올해부터는 커피를 사서 마시지 않아도 될것같다. 기쁘다.

매거진의 이전글 커피콩이 무수히 달렸어요
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