
You can make anything
by writing


by Mooner Jul 19. 2017

피의자 혐의로 경찰서 방문기 & 그리고 나머지 하루

Yay~! 20170719 



Six days ago, I had to go to Namdong Police Station due to companythat I worked for previously. I was not only in charge of interpretation &translation but managed import & export. Character of my previous firm wasmunitions company. The company imported original technology and equipment fromfirms located in US. 

In Last October and November, I exported components of defensearticles registered in DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration). Theproblem is that ex-company people didn’t know that fact that not only does thewhole equipment or defense article need to get export permit but components. Inso doing, though I quitted the firm more than a month and half before, I had tobe summoned to police station in Incheon. 

Lo and behold. On July 12th, by the time myarriving at police station iand walking up all the way to 4thfloor, a detective told me that we had to take araincheck in drawing up a report on my charge. When he mentioned I had toreturn to that place, I was literally PISSED. 

I assume that I gently expressed my sense of irritation to thedetective. The detective then suggested his coming to a police station which isclose to my current residence. So, today we met up. 

Probably I was there 1:30 ~ 3:10 pm. Detectiveasked me about… 30 questions? When he printed out interrogation dialogue to me,number of pages reached 7~8 pages. I examined papers and notified him of typos.

Surprising part of Wonmi police station is that… finger scanner didn’tread or store my finger information well. I did go through entering my fingerinfo on the machine several times, probably 2 digits…  

Anyways, according to the detective, maximally if things go wrong, Ican get fine. If go well, I would be exonerated. 

2. Been to a book club. Talking about un-designated books. Whichever booksyou read, talk about type. Supposedly, in this sort of book-club, PR is notallowed. However, somehow I did, on the process of revealing my occupation. 

Talked about a book that I currently am reading, my previous experience,layers of work and et cetera. Fun Fun jajajaja

#20170718 #interrogatorio #Interogation #sospechoso #Suspect

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