영생하는 요정의 함정
죽음이 최악이 아니오.
죽음보다 끔찍한 게 있소.
무수한 세월 동안 같은 하루를 산다는 것
상상이나 해본 적 있소?
Elves live for ever, ageing slowly but never growing old, knowing no sickness or other ills of the flesh. In a world where evertyhing else is always dying such deathless can prove to be a fatal privilege.
- 『Master of Middle - earth』p. 79 -
Endless life can turn into endless boredom and stagnation, or assert itself in cruel domination over other species, who do not live long enough to acquire equal power and knowledge. - 상동 -
The Valar, being aware of these, it would seem, undertake to teach elves how to endure their immotality. - 상동 -