
매거진 ck Econ

You can make anything
by writing


by 퇴턍규 Mar 30. 2021

The Hitchhiker's Guide

to the ICT Industry & Business World

【 Table of Contents 】


                            last update : 2022-08-24


   Ⅰ. Before I start (20 min.)

    Ⅱ. ICT Industry (20 min.)

    Ⅲ. Job Application (15 min.)

    Ⅳ. Life as a Businessman (10 min.)

    Ⅴ. Futher Readings (5 min.)

    Ⅵ. Conclusion (5 min.)

【 Ⅰ. Before I start 】

1. Intro

    1) Alvin Toffler, “the Futurist” (1928.10.4 ~ 2016.6.27)

    ― American writer and futurist, known for his works discussing modern technologies, including the digital revolution and the communication revolution, with emphasis on their effects on cultures worldwide.

        “The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented”

       original quotes by Dennis Gabor


        “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

       original quotes by Alan Kay

    2-1) Internet

        최창규(1999), “대중의 참모습과  역할

    2-2) Copyleft

        최창규(2004), “가상공간에서의 저작권 문제

    3) Target Audience

       early adopters ~ early majority

표준정규분포는 평균인 0을 중심으로 좌우대칭이고 종(bell) 모양인데 평균인 0을 중심으로 ±1시그마 내에 속할 확률은 68.27%, 0을 중심으로 ±2시그마 내에 속할 확률은 95.45%, 0을 중심으로 ±3시그마 내에 속할 확률은 99.73%, 0을 중심으로 ±4시그마 내에 속할 확률은 99.9937%, 0을 중심으로 ±5시그마 내에 속할 확률은 99.999943%, 0을 중심으로 ±6시그마 내에 속할 확률은 99.9999998%이다.

2. We live in ‘Information Era’ (DIY)

     1) Stock Market, IR (Google 10-K)

    2) 깐깐한 SKT 채용…직무선택이 중요  (SK텔레콤 김종요)

    3) 백수 3년차, 저스펙의 지원자에게 SKT 면접관이 반한 이유는?  (SK텔레콤 김태영 HR)

3. We live in ‘절망의 시대’ (Newspaper)

    1) “벼랑 끝 청년 실업”

    2) “출산율 이슈” (인구 재앙의 시대)

    3) “전통적 대한민국 주력 산업의 붕괴(?)”

        ―  IT(반도체, 휴대폰), 자동차, 철강, 조선, 석유화학, 기계

    4) 미국, 중국, 인도와의 경쟁

    5) 기계와의 경쟁

        ―  「The Future of Employment

        ―  「Will a robot take your job?

4. During this session, I will... (methodology)

    1) assume…

        speaking firmly, with little hesitation (Please understand the stylistic problem!)

        mid & long-term view (5~10 years of time frame = ‘imagination’)

        ― difference between student vs. businessman “in terms of money”

        ― “If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is still a socialist by the time he is 40, he has no brain. (Karl Popper?)

        T.A. session for problem-set

        Cook book : Sugar boy vs. Professor

    ※ so-called expert

    Bo Burnham on “advice” @Conan Show

    2) use methodologies…

        ― No = PPT/principles

        ― Yes = how, real-life examples and your valuable questions (how-to)

“If you can properly phrase the question, then the answer is the easy part. So, to the degree that we can better understand the universe, then we can better know what questions to ask.”

 (“정확한 질문을 던질 수 있다면, 상대적으로 답을 구하는 것은 쉬운 일입니다. 우리가 우주에 대해 이해하는 만큼만, 우리는 우주에 대해서 질문할 수 있는 것이죠.”)

                                                    ― Elon Musk (2013)

        a few = what (☞ Ch. 4)

    3) ask who you are... (about what)

       ―  Steve Jobs @Stanford Univ. (12:57~16:13)

       ― “뭘 좋아하는지 모르겠어요...” (필독!)

       ― “Who are you?”, 崇山 (1927 ~ 2004)

       ― “Cogito Ergo Sum”, René Descartes (1596 ~ 1650)

【 Ⅱ. ICT Industry 】

1. Introduction : East vs. West


     1) East vs. West

    2) hacker way

        ― 「The Hacker Way」 : Letter from Mark Zuckerberg

        「Facebook Headquarters」 : 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025

        ― 「Rocket Ship」 : Sheryl Sandberg

                “If  you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.”

        ― 「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish」 : Stuart Brand

                “We are as gods and might as well get used to it. So far, remotely done power and glory as via government, big business, formal education, church has succeeded to the point where gross obscure actual gains. In response to this dilemma and to these gains a realm of intimate, personal power is developing power of the individual to conduct his own education, find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is interested. Tools that aid this process are sought and promoted by the WHOLE EARTH CATALOG.

3. Internet Economy or Platform Economy

    1) strategy : corporate → business → goods & services (skip)

    2) platform, platform, and platform

        ― the age of ‘tech’

        ― two-sided market & match-making

        business model : transaction, transaction and transaction

    3) BUT, So what?

        ― “포켓몬고의 성공 방정식? 그런 건 없다.

        냉소와 패배주의에 대한 경계

    3) state of the art ① (demo day 2021)

       4) state of the art ② (Future & Over the counter (하이투자증권))

       5) conclusion

        ― “투신(投身)

【 Ⅲ. Job Application 】

1. Resume & Interview : 3 steps

    1) 지속적인 ‘관심(Interest)’

    2) 특정한 ‘계기(Trigger)’

    3) 관심의 ‘구체화(Activity) & Apply’

2. Golden Rules

    1) simulation, simulation and simulation (Practice makes perfect!)

    2) trap of the average (relativity)

    3) selling yourself (elevator talk)

    4) time constraint : ordinary Q vs. extra-ordinary Q (Think and talk efficiently!)

    5) two-way communication (Ask! Don’t be vague!)

    6) the way we talk : be like a consultant (“There are 3 major factors that...”)


        ― 박창욱 (Link) (Book 1) (Book 2)

    7) textbook? : SNS, not a waste of time/life, but an excellent idea source

Sir Alex Ferguson : “It is a waste of time.

  ※ Born in 1941 vs. Great Leader

    8) ICT in Social Media

    9) references : “회사 생활 101

【 Ⅳ. Life as a Businessman 】


1. about ‘WHAT’

        1) job criteria

            ― private sector

            ― financial sector

            ― public sector

            ― academia

            References (How-to)

(sfers) (job preference 2015) (job preference 2021) (job preference 2021) (KOSPI 시가총액) (한국경제신문 : 한경 컨센서스) (FT 500) (Fortune Global 500) (Dow 30) (S&P 500) (미국 상장사 시가총액)

        2) vision & mission : 80 vs. 100 vs. 120

2. 회사원 Life

        1) Role & Responsibility, environment, daily life, work-life balance, career

        2) regret vs. self-esteem

               ( cf. Slam Dunk)

3. Etc.

    1) human network : Be BOLD!

    2) life time plan (benchmark)

【 Ⅴ. Futher Readings 】

    1) point of view

        man (or woman) with a hammer

    2) dream

        A computer on every desktop and in every home.

                ― Bill Gates(1975 at the age of ‘21’)

    3) faith

        “우리는 전진해야 할 때 주저하지 말며,

          인내해야 할 때 초조하지 말며,

          후회해야 할 때 낙심하지 않아야 한다.”

            ― 김대중(1984), 『옥중서신』

     4) realism & romanticism

        “Be realistic, demand the impossible!”

            ― Che Guevara

     5) “걱정하는 것을 걱정하지 마!

             Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

            ― John Lennon

     6) 『행복한 책읽기

            ― 김현 (1942~1990)

     7) 『이기는 취업

            ― 김나이

    a. Campus Life

        ― “신입생 환영회”, 이창용 (하버드대 경제학 박사 / IMF 아시아태평양국 국장)

        ― “학생들에게”, 이준구 (프린스턴대 경제학 박사 / 서울대 경제학부 명예교수)

        ― 최창규(2005), “대학교와 콩나물시루

    b. Risk Attidude

        ― “위험을 즐기는 삶을 선택하라”, 조신 (워싱턴대 경제학 박사 / 前 청와대 미래전략수석 / 연세대학교 정보대학원 교수)

    c. Business Life

        ― “나는 이런 직원이 좋다”, 송현종 (MIT MBA / B.O.K. Economist / SK하이닉스 부사장)

        ― 최창규(2005), “SKT 서류 전형 - 자기소개서”

        ― 최창규(2006), “SKT 사보 기고문”

        ― 최창규(2008), “SFERS Newspaper 인터뷰”

    d. Steve Jobs

        ― “Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (with intro by President John Hennessy)

        Steve Jobs @Stanford Univ. 

        ― “Your time is limited”, Wallpapers

        ― “The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs”, Walter Isaacson (Author of 「Steve Jobs」)

    e.  Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

        ― “The Last Lecture”, Randy Pausch (前 Carnegie Mellon 교수)

    f. Right Now, Right Here!

        ― 김영하, “예술가가 되자, 지금 당장!

    g. Thinking like an Economist

        Hal Varian (1997)

【 Ⅵ. Conclusion : It’s your turn! 】

closing… (one step further)


            항상 네 작품의 내면을 믿었다.

            그림 좋고, 긴장감 놓치지 않는 연출 좋고, 이 시대는 당신들 것이다.

            ‘이끼’를 보고 있자니 흑백만화는 생명이 없어 보인다.

            이제라도 칼라 공부를 해야 쓰겄다.

            윤태호에게 지지 않겠다.”

                    ― 허영만, 윤태호 『이끼』에 대한 추천사

    “You may say I’m a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”

    John Lennon, “Imagine”


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