
라이킷 57 댓글 7 공유 작가의 글을 SNS에 공유해보세요

You can make anything
by writing


데이터로 스토리를 전달하라.


by 정경문 Nov 23. 2023
Source : Fantastic SEOULSource : Fantastic SEOUL

Does anyone recognize
where this place is?

Exactly. It‘s Gangnam in Seoul. The representative area when it comes to study, private education to be more specific. For me, this area is where I studied English and started work.

I pushed myself hard, but it was still blur looking forward at that time.

But it’s obvious looking backwards 20 years later. English gives me a lot of opportunities.

About the cover page,

we can not perceive, but nothing is stopped. Have you ever thought that the cars, people, and lights moving on Gangnam-daero are DATA? Buses passing by there make up navigation time in GPS, and data is left on how many people are on the bus, and what they are doing there. This fast-moving world leaves footprints called data, which can brighten your future.

Today, we will talk about data and become familiar with it at the end of the seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to enable you to utilize it in your work and life.

I have chosen data analysis
over kiss my boss's ass

I work and study Big Data and AI. Big Data and AI sounds fancy but drives me crazy busy.

What I’m focusing on these days is volunteer works teaching kids coding in day care center and mentoring at college. And this is my book just published this year titled "I chose data analysis over kiss my boss's ass". I know you guys are not the sale target because it’s written in Korean.

Does anyone know what this graph is?
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 Yes, this is my life curve. If I analyze my happiness as numeric data, It is like this.

I broke my arm and was hospitalized for some time. when I was 6. And I was in the age of puberty around 14 to 16. Which my daughter is in right now. It’s hard. And I joined the army like every Korean man does. It was the worst time ever in my life. And As I raised my children, my happiness level increased. And finally meet data.

And, One more graph,
what do you think it is?
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I worked in Toronto, Canada. Is anyone from Canada? Nice and friendly people. I worked in a café making sandwich and latte in the morning and I worked in a restaurant at night. You know there is a tip culture in Canada. So, I checked the bill clip after customer had gone. And put them in a tip box and divided 7 to 3, and the serving hall's portion of 7 was divided again by the number of waiters.  

Every night, I grabbed 10 to 20 dollars on my hand, a cigarette on the other hand, on my way home. After I came back to Korea, I entered the company in Gangnam. Paycheck has been regular and rising regularly. And ever since I met the data, my paycheck met another shift. But still my happiness is not as good as before.

Color, Time difference, Highlighting, Grouping/Splitting

So far, I just introduced myself with data. And I've added some techniques when using data. Remember the colors represented labels and groups? And I showed my happiness curve and salary bar chart with a time difference. And I highlighted specific area I would like to emphasize. And I grouped and split my salary range. These are the techniques to explain PART of data. This is a check list when I use data in a professional way. And You should know it, in order to avoid falling victim to scams in this information and data era.

Comparison, relationship, distribution, composition
Source : Andrew AvellaSource : Andrew Avella

Now, let’s talk for a moment about my role as a father. This is an ordinary day of Gangnam dachi dong area. The time clock shows ten p.m. And students carrying large backpacks look busy heading.

Same scenery, different space. Shall we come to where I live now? I am a part of it playing a driver role. I drop off and pick up my daughter and son every night. We talk a lot in the car. One day, My daughter said. “Dad, This final is more difficult than the mid term”

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My daughter is in the second year of middle school, and she has been taking tests since her second year of middle school and getting her grades. I feel sorry for my daughter. Because she studies and takes exams until 12 noon every day.

“Did you do well on the final exam?” I asked.

“No, Dad, this test was harder than the mid-term My friends also said it was difficult.”

And the grades came out before the vacation was over.

Do you know “Nice”? NICE Public Service is an integrated information service for children's education. For example, it is a children's education service that records all information related to health and growth and development, such as children's vaccinations, height, and weight, as well as grades and school life.

The average score for the final exam (72 points) increased compared to the midterm exam (68 points). This does not mean that the final exam was difficult for all students, but only for my daughter. The data makes me give a second thought on what my daughter's said, that this test is difficult.

Who/What should I believe?

For here, I need your information. Please raise your hand if you think I should trust my daughter. Conversely, please raise your hand if you think I should trust the data. We will listen why. “why do you think I should trust my daughter?”

On the other hand, playing Devil's advocate, I data knows better than she might know. Will you trust people? Should we trust the data?

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I started the story with the issue of my daughter's grades, but this is the case with many of the incidents observed in our society. How do we use data in our lives?

Do you believe in god,
or do you trust people?

This time I asked my elementary school son the question.

“Of course people!”
"Why?" asked.
“There is no evidence, there is no evidence”

But it hasn’t been that long since I answered this question with ‘of course’. For thousands of years, ancient people believed that there were gods in the sun, the sea, bears and tigers. So, when disasters such as war, flood, or epidemic occurred, sacrifices were made to God to ask for help. This is the beginning of religion. People believed in God. Thanks to this, many impossible things were achieved, such as building the pyramids or building the temple of Athens.

People worshiped the pharaohs, the ancient Egyptian sun god, and medieval Christian gods. However, since modern times, humans have been reborn as beings with science and reason. This is ‘Renaissance’, the return to humanity. Humanism opened as humans, who had been relying on the being called God, began to stand on their own.

Now that people have become the center, ideals such as freedom and equality have emerged. Humanism naturally shifted authority from God to humans. Humanist thinkers such as Rousseau were convinced that human dignity and free will were the highest values.

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But now a new change is taking place.

As in my conversation with my son, there are things people believe. My son calls this 'evidence', and the adults say 'science'. And the development of science is converging with data and AI algorithms. Yuval Harari's Homo Deus provides plenty of food for thought for those of us who believe in data.

However, we cannot predict the future. Because the predicted future continues to change. I remember the navigation system notifying me of a detour on a congested highway on my way home to New Year's Day. It's as if the remaining time keeps changing if you follow the route indicated on the navigation system.

If you don't recognize it, you can't change it

Will a new species of future come to us Homo sapiens living today?

Do you believe in God?
Do you trust people?
Or do you trust the data?

얼마 전, 한국에서 영어를 가르치시는 외국인 선생님 100여 분과 함께 데이터 리터러시에 대해 이야기해보는 기회가 있었습니다. 위 글은 첫 번째로 전달한 메시지 "1. Do you believe in data?"를 다시 정리해 보았습니다. 한 시간 동안 영어로?? 해보지 않은 일이 두려웠습니다. 하지만 생각만 해도 심장이 뛰는 이 일에 도전했습니다. 그리고 집중해 주시는 그분들의 눈을 보고 살아있음을 느꼈습니다.

글을 쓰기 전에, 브런치를 시작하기 전에 이 모든 것들은 떨어진 점에 불과했습니다. 그런데 외국생활, 데이터, 독서, 글쓰기 이 모든 점들이 이어져서 선이 되었고, 이들은 하나의 모양이 되고, 이제 세상에서 존재하는 고유한 면적이 되었습니다.

점 → 선 → 모양 → 면적

이 모든 점들을 이어준 것은 글쓰기, 그리고 데이터로 이루어진 세상이었습니다. 브런치에 첫 글을 올릴 때가 생각납니다. 확신이 없었습니다. 하지만 글을 하나하나 하루하루 쌓아갈수록, 글쓰기 실력과 지식도 조금씩 쌓여갔습니다. 아주 조금씩요.  오늘도, 내일도, 내년에도, 스스로에 대한 도전은 계속됩니다.  "Just go for it"

모두를 위한 데이터 리터러시의 3가지 메시지모두를 위한 데이터 리터러시의 3가지 메시지

매거진의 이전글 인공지능, 데이터 앞에 평등한가?

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