
You can make anything
by writing


by 나목 Feb 17. 2024


노래가 된 시


producing, singer: producer Gumin Choi(GU)



하늘빛 깊어져

가로수 이파리 물들어가면

심연에 묻힌 것들이

명치끝에서 치오른다

단풍빛 눈빛이며

뒤돌아 선 가랑잎 사람

말씨 곱던 그녀랑

두레박으로 퍼올리고 싶다

다시 만난다면

봄날처럼 웃을 수 있을까

가을은 촉수를 흔들며 사냥감을 찾고

나무 빛깔에 스며들며

덜컥 가을의 포로가 되고 만다

냄비에선 김치찌개가 보글거리고

달님도 창문 안을 기웃거리는데.

A Fall day 

Written by Hyeon Sook Lim  

When the sky color deepens,
the leaves of the street trees turn the color of fall.
Things buried in the abyss,
It rises at the pit of the stomach.
Eyes the color of autumn leaves,
A person who has fallen like a leaf,
With the lady who had beautiful accent,
I want to scoop it up with a bucket.
If we meet again
Will we be able to smile like a spring day?
Autumn waves its tentacles and searches for prey,
Soaking in the colors of leaves,
unexpectedly, I become a prisoner of autumn.
Kimchi stew is bubbling in the pot,
The moon is also snooping around inside the window.

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