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내가 파수꾼을 보고 울은 이유

The reason why I cried while watching it

by 오프웰 Mar 24. 2025

I alwayes wanted to resemble the actor Lee Je-hoon, who is my favorit movie star. The reason I like him is not only because of his appearance but also his acting skills. 파수꾼 was the movie where I first got to know him. It was when I was living in my previous apartment, which is nearby. And it was very late night, and I was sitting alone in the livingroom, watching it with a kind of sad emotion. Since it was a dark movie,  the mood felt even more intense. Its background was highshool, and main character was struggling with poverty and relationships at school. Even though I couldn't fully understand the content, It felt like the main character's life somehow comforted mine at that time. I became immersed in  his situation and cried. And I realized that I like crying while watching a movies and that I am a sesitive and emotional person.

월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토, 일 연재
이전 16화 나는 피부시술을 받지 않기로 했다.

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