
매거진 Dream Maker
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You can make anything
by writing


Through a Glass Darkly

part 8

by GordonSun Sep 09. 2016

Actors : Karin, Martin(husband),David(father), Munus(brother)

Narrative Writing, Ingmar bergmon, “Through a glass darkly, part 8”

Through a Glass Darkly

At the beginning of the scene, Martin is opening his bag on the table in thekitchen. Especially, a bucket is on the chair front of sink.  He picks tablets in the bag and a glass on the shelf.  He puts the glass on the sink. He pours into it by saucer. He picks up the glass and going out the kitchen. He closes the door and going to Karin’s room. When he arrives her room, she was not there. As wondering, he puts the tablets and glass on her table. Then, he is finding her, rapidly. He looks here and there in his house. He opens a door David’s room and asks to him near the window. He answers that he didn’t see her. Martin keeps finding other place. David goes out his room to find her,as soon as he hears strange sound upstairs. He looks at Martin on the left side and he also looks at him as knew something. David goes up there rapidly. 

When he arrives at there, he hears her voice as speaking something in a room.  He goes near the room carefully, and then Martin following him. David opens a little the door and sees her as speaking to somebody. But nobody is there. He keeps seeing her very strangely. Soon, Martin comes to him and he sees her too. Martin comes to her nearly and persuades her. He keeps persuading her persistently. But she keeps speaking continuously. She walks several steps to a wall.Martin and David see each other very wonderingly.  She is standing in the room and speaking tothe wall. Martin seats a chair and picks up his glasses in pocket. As soon she goes to the wall several steps as poses like prays. At the same time, disappear David’s shadow on the door. (Close up her face) She is praying and Martin is seeing her very sorrowful.  He comes to her nearly and again persuades very sincerely. She rejects his activity strongly. Suddenly, hears a helicopter sounding and her face changes like a stone. She looks at opening door in the right corner very scare.  She looks at the helicopter outside a window. Suddenly, a scared look, she goes to the back corner. She shouts loudly and folds her left leg as avoid to something. She falls into panic and Martin efforts calm her. David helps to him.But their effort is not effect to her. 

She goes out the room and goes down the stairs. In the end of stairs, Munus blocks to her and she stares to him. He looks sharply her. As soon she backs to the stairs as David holds her strongly, and then Martin comes there with an injector. He injects to her leg. She shouts loudly. After a while, she calms down.  Hearing a knock on the main door, David opens a little door, talks to someone and closes the door.

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