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how to maintain our weight?

by 오프웰 Mar 10. 2025

I always tried to eat healthy, but I didn't measure proper amount of calories. 

Unlike what I believed in the past, calories don't determine our health for our health. 

If we eat too many calories, our body consumes them faster. if we eat fewer calories than we acutally need, our body tries to conserve energy. First, your metabolism will slow down. Then you'll feel cold, unmotivated, unwilling to move. This is how our body reacts depending on the amount of food we eat. This happens because our body has homeostasis.

The same principle applies to exercise. Many people think working out is an effective way to lose weight, but that's now true. The same logic applies to workouts. If we burn a lot of calories during exercise, our body tries to conserve energy by reducing our movement for the rest of the day. As a result, we end up spending the rest of the time resting. some people might ask, "Then what's the point of exercising? Well, I would say it's for our health. Being slim doesn't necessarily mean being healthy. Each person has a natural weight range. The real purpose of exercise is to maintain our individual healthy weight. 

You might be curious about the principle behind becoming healthy. To summarize, you should eat more fats more and exercise regularly. I guarantee this is the easiest way to maintain your health. That's because these two fators create a synergy over time.

Simply cutting carbs and working out intensely is the worst way to take care of your health. It's the complete opposite of the right approach. Your feelings are evidence of this. when you do this, you'll feel exhauseted and unmotivated. You'll constantly strive for something uncertain and eventually, your efforts will feel meaningless. This can lead you to believe that you lack willpower. 

So what should we do for a healthy life? Actually It's simple. Eat healthy fats and exercise - not for weight loss, but for your mental and physical well-being. Healthy fats help you feel full, while exercise reduces stress hormones like cortisol. A healthier body will naturally crave healthier food. 

With this method, you will no longer struggle with health problem - because it's simple.

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